stfu, mr playboy.
Dec 26, 2010 21:55
Just saw something tht pissed me off, hongster never die, playboy, can't believe you actually change girlfriends faster thn you change your underwear. god bless i never go same class as you, i pity ppl in your class, GG my friends, you got such ppl means you out to suffer for the rest of the year.
As usual, rot at home, clearing my room for hours with my sist, <: it looks empty now, very not-used-to-it la. Used to be like a rubbish-dump kinda room, just tht it doesn't stink!
thomson road for dinner(one of the best in 12435464946 days)> shengsiong > home.
it's going to be 4 days soon, when the clock strikes 12!
i miss you mad much. <3