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come back quick

Dec 25, 2010 00:49

Merry christmas world, :)  it's 1am now, god damn bored.
i miss you la, early morning my phone is not ringing already, you know it doesn't make my morning go well, heh. 6 more days, impatience already baby! :(
come back now and i don't mind you calling me aunty, hahahaha good deal right, :) 

okay ......................................... tmr got gathering, it's a good-bad thing. i just like the part where i get presents, you know, i'm just a princess, not some stupid ahlians trying to pretend they're all so grown-up/matured what not, your brain is just as big as my 5 year old cousin. :)

i know it's snowing at japan, but don't make me miss you anymore leh.