Yellow yellow dirty fellow
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Violet Eyes Turns Brighter

Start believing

Oct 23, 2010 20:57

Firstly, we don't owe the world anything. We don't live to damage our hearts, we 'live to love' is a nice quote heard everywhere. But destiny couldn't be set by words. Life's full of up's and down's, guess now's one of the lower part of life i'm going through. I don't break that easily. 

I'm sure there're much to enjoy, especially after the exams, everybody mugging. And now, nobody's back before 10. Enjoy life outside, that one of the reason why i shouldn't broad over what's gone and start partying.
Speaking about party, caught a nightshow, 'takers' at amk hub with michel & megan, 2 great-awesome peeps! Yes, we thought someone would shoot us on the way back home, and with megan nagging all the way saying ' the handsome guy died in the show' :(  
reached home ard 11+, showered and k.o. on bed. 
I'm tired, I won't look back, and 'll surely start believing agn.

I believe you and me could have the best of both worlds. :D