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Party season

Oct 27, 2010 20:54

Countries having 4 seasons, autumn/summer/winter/spring. But we've only 2, partyseason and study season, and now, obviously is the party season. Schl's gonna end pretty soon, like tmr is already the last day! OMGG.
i'm more than happy, could reason out from A-Z why i want schl to end like immediately! I don't see any point in post-exams activities, we just sit in the class whole day, without any teacher ard, i could enjoy my 1hour recess with michel and could take my time up class. IT'S HOLIDAY MOOD ALREADY.

Many things to attend, having first basketball outing this saturday, follow by this and that.
eoy done means holidays're coming, which also refers to new year.
nevertheless, 2E7 FTW \m/ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally a class chalet <:

If you took everything like a relieve to you, great !
i'll not probe into it anymore, it's like i've just met a dead end :D

Start believing

Oct 23, 2010 20:57

Firstly, we don't owe the world anything. We don't live to damage our hearts, we 'live to love' is a nice quote heard everywhere. But destiny couldn't be set by words. Life's full of up's and down's, guess now's one of the lower part of life i'm going through. I don't break that easily. 

I'm sure there're much to enjoy, especially after the exams, everybody mugging. And now, nobody's back before 10. Enjoy life outside, that one of the reason why i shouldn't broad over what's gone and start partying.
Speaking about party, caught a nightshow, 'takers' at amk hub with michel & megan, 2 great-awesome peeps! Yes, we thought someone would shoot us on the way back home, and with megan nagging all the way saying ' the handsome guy died in the show' :(  
reached home ard 11+, showered and k.o. on bed. 
I'm tired, I won't look back, and 'll surely start believing agn.

I believe you and me could have the best of both worlds. :D